Tuesday, 24 July 2007

How does Bet Trader Pro measure up?

I downloaded Bet Trader Pro on Sunday and gave it a try out tonight. What did I think of it? Well, one thing I can say is that it is fast. I had been using Bet IE recently and Bet Trader Pro leaves it standing speedwise. I was wondering how I kept missing so many market moves and now I can see. Running Bet IE and Bet Trader Pro side by side and you can see the numbers whizzing by and the price moving so much quicker on BTP. I'm not quite used to the interface and the tools on BTP yet and was reluctant to make many trades, but the two I did were matched. I didn't like the BTP stop loss feature very much as, unless I misunderstood how to use it, it seemed a bit slow to set. I would have liked to be able to preset my stop loss tick size and whether it is trailing or not and for it to be enabled with a checkbox when placing a trade. I guess I'm just lazy. I'll feedback more, when I've had more time to use it.

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