Monday, 30 July 2007
To System or Not to System...
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Friday, 27 July 2007
Bots without the Betfair API
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Labels: betfair API, betfair bot, betfair lite, bot, bots, screen scraping
Thursday, 26 July 2007
More thoughts on Bet Trader Pro software
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Labels: Bet trader pro, betangel, betfair direct, ladder interface
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Losing unconsciously
We are wired to respond to the fear of loss and the threat of pain in a much more profound way than the potential for gain.
The mind is like an ice berg. Above the surface is the conscious mind. It’s the conscious mind we use every day for planning, analysis and making logical choices. The unconscious mind is like the larger part of the ice berg that lurks below the surface. Some people use the term subconscious mind or autonomic nervous system to refer to the unconscious mind. The unconscious handles a multitude of jobs which keep us alive and generally out of danger.
Have you ever been driving along at night? You’re zooming along, your mind mulling over the thoughts of the day, when WHOAH! Another car has pulled out in front of you. You don’t think, plan or analyse, you just turn the wheel and swerve. You come to a stop, safe, your heart is beating like a drum in your chest and your breathing is short and sharp. All those reactions were handled by your unconscious mind. If you had to think about it consciously, you’d be busy flying through the windscreen before you had decided to turn the wheel. The conscious mind is slow and deals with only one thing at a time, taking up to a half second to react. The unconscious mind handles a plethora of information simultaneously and instantaneously. The only problem is that this rapid response comes at a price.
The first step in getting around this is knowing why it happens. Using automated stop-losses can help, as it removes you from the equation (although I've not yet found any easy to set up and use stop-loss solutions in the software I have used). Other solutions involve tweaking the unconscious response in the context of trading, this would involve using an unconscious based technology, such as NLP or hypnosis. Another way would be to frame the trading situation in such a way that every trade is about protecting your bank (rather than making a profit), so the aim is always to focus on cutting losses. Working on the assumption that if the price swings away from you, it will keep moving away. Once you have closed the trade, then putting the last loss out of mind (so if the price suddenly bounces back, you don't start regretting following the system). The price will occasionally bounce back but in the long run, relying on that to happen is gambling of the worst kind and will lead to an empty bank.
Some great books on how the unconcious mind works are:
A book that goes into detail about how the unconscious mind has its beliefs installed and how to change them is (it can be pretty heavy going, so be prepared. It is very interesting and worth the read though):
The classic book on how our unconscious processes are used aginst us by marketers and advertisers and how to protect yourself:
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Labels: conscious mind, loss aversion, stop loss, stop losses, system, trading losses, trading software, unconscious mind
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
How does Bet Trader Pro measure up?
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Labels: Bet IE, Bet trader pro
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Labels: blackle, carbon conscious, energy saving, google
Sunday, 22 July 2007
The right direction
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Labels: back, bank, lay, market swings, scratch trade
Friday, 20 July 2007
Trading Software
This is a post I intend to keep updating and have as a perma-link.
I am going to list any bet trading software I come across, may be adding reviews in later.
Initially I will list the freebie ones and will expand the list when I get the chance. Please let me know of any good ones you can recommend.
Free Bet Trading Software
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Labels: bet angel basic, bet trading software, betangel, betfair direct
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Freeing my mind
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Last bite
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Labels: horse racing market, volatile, volatility
Start again?
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Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Cognitive bias
There are several other cognitive biases which are quite interesting. Amongst these are:
- Loss aversion - where we'll do more to avoid loss than make a gain (see
- The sunk cost effect - money spent is given more value than future money
- Disposition effect (just mentioned)
- Outcome bias - ons by outcome rather than quality of decision at time it was made
- Recency bias - where recent information/experience is weighted more strongly than earlier infomation/experience.
- Anchoring - Relying too heavily on readilly available information
- The band wagon effect - Believing things because many other people do.
If anyone is interested in these, I can go into more detail in a future post.
A good book that covers these is:
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Labels: anchoring, band wagon effect, behavioural finance, cognitive bias, disposition effect, loss aversion, outcome bias, recency bias, sunk cost
Crashing and burning
Last couple of days I did some good trades, building my bank back up and then I make a big mistake and lose what I've made and more. My current bank is down to £52. I need to get the stupid mistakes out. I don't mind (well, I do) if the market turns against me, that's not down to me (unless I back against an obvious strong trend), but I am not impressed when I don't do what I intend. Just before each trading session I say I am not going to repeat the mistakes of the last one. Learn from them and get better. Each session I then go and repeat the same mistakes. I keep saying I'll mechanise my stop losses and never have. I then hit the stop loss and think, hmm, it looks like over the long run the market will turn back. How do I know this? I don't. Sometimes it does but mostly it doesn't. I've saved myself by closing an open trades during in-play time and getting out with a minor loss, but I shouldn't need to be doing that.
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Monday, 16 July 2007
Recommended Reading
I thought I'd set up a list of books that I have read and can recommend. I'll keep this page updated and have a link from a perma-link to it.
Way of the Turtle
A book I keep referring to. This book gives a great insight into the world of trading by one of a select group of millionaire traders. Although it is focussed on the financial markets, e.g. options trading, futures trading, etc, there is so much that can be applied to bet trading.
The sections on Behavioural finance and the work of Kahnman and Tversky are worth reading. The book covers the methods the turtle group used to make millions. The methods are simple and seem mainly concerned with building mechanical trading systems that remove the emotional side. Having just lost pretty heavilly (in terms of proportion of bank) due to these very issues (not being mechanical enough), I can only relate to it more.
The New Market Wizards
This was the book that lead me to the "Way of the Turtle". In this book, author Jack Schwager, interviews some of America's top traders. Not just those who have brought in the most money, but those who have performed consistently over the years (see next book, to discover why just basing on most money is not a valid reason).
A really interesting book and one that hammers home the same points about getting away from emotional trading and escaping from the herd mentality.
Fooled by Randomness
This was a real eye opener to me. The premise of this book is that we (including many mathematicians, statisticians, business people, me, you, pretty much most people), just don't really understand randomness and make wrong assumptions, that can have real bad repercussions. The author talks a lot about traders (as this is also his background) who after making a lot of money "blew up" and lost all they had made and lots more due to what the deemed were unprobable events. Written in a very conversational tone and with personality. An eye opener and a must read for anyone involved in an area that involves randomness.
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Labels: behavioural finance, Curtis faith, Jack Schwager, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, randomness, trading books, way of the turtle
Deflated bank
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Labels: back, behavioural finance, kahneman, lay, losses, mistakes, stop loss, tversky
Friday, 13 July 2007
Bank reloaded and back
Now I'm back from honeymoon and good to go, my bank is set to £100 and I'm ready to trade again. Unable to do it today, but roll on tomorrow.
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Thursday, 12 July 2007
Too much emotion!
"Price movement is a function of the collective perception of buyers and sellers in a market", according to Curtis Faith, in "Way of the Turtle". This definition says to me that the most important aspect of trading is an understanding of the psychology of buyers and sellers. He goes on to say, "Markets are comprised of individuals all with hopes, fears and foibles." and suggests that the trader's edge comes in "seeking opportunities that arise from these human emotions".
The subject of Behavioural Finance is a study of this. The subject is too big to cover in a post but I hope, in this one, to go over some of the factors that affect betting and laying decisions.
People tend to drive their decisions by emotions rather than rational reason. To back this up, an experiment was documented, whereby a man was found, who having had a stroke that damaged the areas of his brain that generated emotion, (so that all his decisions would be rational, reasoned and conscious), was found to be unable to make even a basic decision, constantly too-ing and fro-ing between alternatives. It turns out that emotions are the short cut that help us make quick decisions (and then justify, after the fact, with our rational mind (remember, hindsight has 20:20 vision!)).
Part of the reason people lose money when trading is due to these emotional short cuts, e.g.
- People are prone to making systematic errors in circumstances of uncertainty
- Under duress, people make poor assessment of risk and event probability
- People rarely make completely rational decisions
Some examples of the emotions we encounter when making trading decisions:
- Hope - "I hope it goes up after I buy"
- Fear - "I can't take another loss, I'll sit this one out"
- Greed - "I'm making loads, I'll double my position"
- Despair - "The market keeps moving against me, whatever I do!"
Underneath these emotions are what are called cognitive biases. These are beliefs and attitudes that also lead us to make bad trading decisions. I'll talk about these in a future post.
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Labels: behavioural finance, Curtis faith, emotional decision, rational decision, way of the turtle
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Just like "Trading Places"
I keep referring back to "The Way of the Turtle: The Secret Methods That Turned Ordinary People into Legendary Traders" book, but it has really got me excited.
I think I need to explain why it is called, "The way of the turtle". Anyone who remembers the movie, "Trading Places", with Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd will remember that the story started when two businessmen made a wager about whether business success was an inborn talent or could be taught. The turtle story is similar.
Two trading gurus, Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt, were arguing about whether trading was a natural talent or whether it could be taught. To find out they (guess what?, that's right!) had a wager. They would put out adverts looking for a group of 23 people that they would interview and choose from to be their trainee traders. They would then give them 2 weeks training and then let them trade using their money. The group were known as the turtles and they were very successful, in fact legendary.
In the book "The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Traders", there is a chapter called, "The Silence of the Turtles". One of the turtles is interviewed but he says very little. All the turtles were under secrecy and non-disclosure contracts and so had to keep quiet.
With the contract period over, Curtis Faith, one of the most successful and youngest (19 at the time) turtles, now explains their methods and philosophy.
It is really worth a read, just for the parts about Behavioural Finance.
The differences between financial markets trading and bet trading are not so great, other than the amounts of money on the table and so reading this book really is a benefit.
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Labels: behavioural finance, Curtis faith, dan ackroyd, eddie murphy, market wizards, Richard Dennis, trading places, turtle group, way of the turtle, William Eckhardt
Market states
An interesting part of the "Way of the turtle" book was about market states. One of the guiding turtle principles was to not try to predict which direction the market would move but instead to determine what market state it was in.
The 4 market states are:
- Stable and quiet
- Stable and volatile
- Trending and quiet
- Trending and volatile
The level of volatility could be used to decide where to set a stop loss, e.g. if the market state is 4, then having a one tick stop loss would drop you out the trade early.
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Labels: market state, stable, trending, volatile, way of the turtle
Totally off topic, but I liked it. This is the best way to pour ketchup from the bottle!
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Labels: ketchup
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Back from Honeymoon
Just a quick post. Just got back from our honeymoon. Its been about 24 hours in the same clothes, so pretty jaded and going to hit the hay but just thought I'd pop a quick note up.
Whilst we've been away in Thailand, I've had plenty of time to lounge around and read. Read "Way of the Turtle", which is an excellent book full of great trading info. I'll post up some of the lessons learnt there very soon. Also read another great book about randomness and our perception of it. This one was also written by a trader and it is called, "Fooled by Randomness: the hidden role of chance in life and in the markets", by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Another good one which I'll be using to make some posts with.
Anyway, I need my bed, so bye for now.
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Labels: randomness, thailand, Trader, way of the turtle